All posts by: Gary Pinchen

Gary Pinchen

Unfair Dismissal

Can you be dismissed for having a second job?

Worker dismissed for moonlighting as singer According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 947,300 of the nation’s workers have a second job. This amounts to

Unfair Dismissal

World’s Saddest Unfair Dismissals

Distressing workplace dismissals Typically, when an employee is dismissed, it would be for a fair reason – poor performance, redundancy, or serious misconduct, to name

Unfair Dismissal

Can reduced work hours equal a dismissal?

Can reduced work hours equal a constructive dismissal? Often, a constructive dismissal (or forced resignation) can result from an employer significantly reducing a worker’s hours

Gay-employee-preparing-a meal
Unfair Dismissal

Sexual harassment used to dismiss gay chef

False sexual harassment claims used to dismiss chef An “openly gay” chef who was accused of sexual harassment has been awarded over $16,000 after he

Employee Rights

Why workplace car charging should be a right

Should electric car charging be a workplace right? Workplace electric vehicle charging is fast becoming a perk offered by employers across the globe. It is

Unfair Dismissal

Dismissed for comments to the media

Nurse faces dismissal for comments Dismissal for making public comments – whether to the media or on social media – is an issue that the

General Protections

Forced To Pay Cost by the Court

Made to pay employer’s general protections legal costs When making a general protections or unfair dismissal claim via the Fair Work Commission, it is important

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