Workers Rights In 2023, What does this mean?
Rights are changing all the time. Read on, get the latest updates. Know your rights, protect yourself. Workers Rights In 2022, What does this mean? Is well worth the read. Workplace safety and training is a real issue.
Workers rights are changing.
I reviewed our google statists, looking for trends in workers rights and and noticed that A Whole New Approach have over 550,000 enquires have clicked on our web sites in the last few years. This is the net result of people searching just over 35 million key words that we have advertised. An extraordinary amount of search’s. What are these words?, what does it mean in todays workplace? and what are the trends for the future?. And finally how does it effect your work place?
Its certainly a changing world, we are in, workplace are changing rapidly, you cannot fight it, be part of it, thats the challenge, what do workers rights mean today.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights tells us this. The UDHR protects our dignity—our inherent value and worth. It commits us to ensuring “just and favorable conditions of work.” Honoring workplace dignity advances that commitment. And with people spending at least one-third of life at work, work then becomes a major source of dignity in our lives—or a place where it is at real risk of violation.
Jeffrey Siminoff is Senior Vice President at RFK Human Rights.
Work give us purpose
Work is very important to most of us, the enjoyment that this can bring, the benefits are numerous. It give us purpose to our lives more than we realize. Like anything in life you have to work at it, to get the best possible outcome. If its not working for you, give us a call, discuss how you can enjoy your work, work with dignity, we have some pages worth a read to avoid the toxic work culture that you may be subjected to.
The question of employees rights are particularly relevant at the moment over mandatory vaccinations, health orders, the increasing size of state police forces, used to implicate / enforce government programs.
Others issues that have more prominent are wages theft, unpaid hours in the professional services field, (before you would just do this to get ahead) interns working for free, worker exploitation in the supply chains around the world. More people are demanding to know where their goods are made and the conditions of the workers that made them. Gender quotas are back on the agenda, is this fair?, we all want a more diversified work force. Females, older people, people of colour need opportunities, how to implement this is still controversial.
The Rights of workers
The rights of workers as to the green credentials of the companies they are working for, is now being discussed. Do workers have rights to insist on recycling as a workplace right?. The future is both challenging and bright, how you position yourself as a individual for the future is the challenge. Australians work one the longest work weeks in the world, this needs to change it effects our family life and effects us both mentally and physically. How do we do this and still remain competitive in the world economy?
Or are workers rights stuck in the past and only concern themselves about award wages, the national wage case, unfair dismissal type issues is the question. Has the paradigm shifted from just worrying about wages, to more holistic workers rights and conditions of more what effects the planet and worrying about what’s left behind for their children, the next generation? What’s the answer?. Its a very individualistic thing, will it end up like most elections where at the end of the day self interest prevails.
Workers Rights laws
- Not be harassed or discriminated against (treated less favorably) because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identification ), national origin, disability, age political beliefs.
- Receive equal pay for equal work.
- Receive reasonable accommodations (changes to the way things are normally done at work) that are needed because of their disability or religious beliefs, if required by law.
- Expect that any medical information or criminal history that they share with their employer will be kept confidential.
- Report discrimination, participate in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit, or oppose discrimination (for example, threaten to file a discrimination complaint), without being retaliated against (punished) for doing so.
Not covered by legislation that I believe requires urgent attention is domestic violence, social origin (where you live, some companies will not employ you if your from a poor area etc). Being a Vegan (it is a belief) is become a area of increased focus
Want to contribute to the discussion?, the debate?, your welcome, maybe send us a email. ( We are A Whole New Approach P/L. Voted by our clients as leaders in workplace advice and representation at the Fair work Australia and Fair work Commission for unfair dismissals, general protections, forced resignations, amongst others. Diversity in workplace, equal rights, sex discrimination issues, we would like to hear from you. Looking for a lawyer, try us first. We are leaders in workplace community engagement, research and advocacy. All states, NSW, Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA.
Have a questions, have a concern, give us a call, its free 1800 333 666, its confidential
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