Bizarre and Strange unfair dismissal cases
Getting Sacked from your work is never a pleasant situation. It is even more difficult when the firing was done in an unfair manner. Regrettably, employees in Australia have a high risk of being fired in an unfair manner, and this can happen to anyone. In the following article, we will go over some of the most peculiar and outlandish cases/examples of wrongful dismissals that have occurred in Australia. Bizarre and Strange unfair dismissal cases is worth your time to read.
While most dismissals are based on valid reasons, there have been some cases in Australia where employees have been dismissed for bizarre or strange reasons. For example, in 2019, a Melbourne café worker was allegedly dismissed for refusing to wear a hairnet over her dreadlocks. Meanwhile in 2017, a Queensland pub worker was reportedly fired for taking a day off to care for her sick child. These cases highlight the need for employers to act reasonably. That they avoid making decisions that are based on personal biases or prejudices.
1. The Teacher Who Was Sacked for Not Being Able to Swim
In 2017, a teacher in Victoria was dismissed from her job because she was not able to swim. The teacher had been working at the school for more than a year when the principal decided that she was not suitable for the role because she could not participate in swimming classes with the students. The teacher claimed that she had informed the school about her inability to swim during the hiring process, but the school denied this. The case went to court, and the teacher was awarded $10,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.
2. The Salesman Who Was Sacked for Having Long Hair
In 2018, a salesman in Western Australia was dismissed from his job because he refused to cut his long hair. The company claimed that his long hair did not meet the company’s grooming standards, but the salesman argued that he had been allowed to keep his hair long for years without any issues. The case went to the Fair Work Commission, and the salesman was awarded $7,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.

3. The Flight Attendant Who Was Sacked for Eating a Passenger’s Meal
In 2019, a flight attendant in Queensland was dismissed from her job after she was caught eating a passenger’s meal. The airline claimed that she had breached company policy by consuming food that was intended for a customer, but the flight attendant argued that she had only eaten the meal because it was going to be thrown away. The case went to court, and the flight attendant was awarded $8,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.
4. The Security Guard Who Was Sacked for Hugging a Colleague
In 2020, a security guard in New South Wales was dismissed from his job because he hugged a female colleague. The security guard claimed that the hug was innocent and that he had hugged other colleagues in the past without any issues. However, the company claimed that the hug was inappropriate and that it had made the colleague feel uncomfortable. The case went to the Fair Work Commission, and the security guard was awarded $5,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.
Resolution: and Your Employee Rights
These cases shed light on the reality that unfair terminations can occur for a wide range of causes, some of which may appear peculiar or baffling to a reasonable person. It is vitally important for workers in Australia to be aware of their rights and to seek advice if they believe they have been sacked from their job in an unfair manner. Companies also need to be mindful of the legal ramifications of firing employees in an unfair manner, as this can lead to expensive compensation claims and harm to the employer’s reputation. Both of these outcomes are undesirable.

The Importance of Knowing Your Employment Rights:
An in-depth discussion of the various types of unjust dismissals that can occur in Australia as well as the measures that can be done to avoid them. Workers in Australia are afforded legal rights against wrongful termination, which include the opportunity to contest their firing and the ability to seek financial recompense for their ordeal. It is critical for employees to be aware of their employment rights and to seek legal counsel if they believe they have been sacked in a manner that is not in accordance with the law.
The responsibilities of Fair Work Commission:
Fair Work Commission is the country’s peak workplace relations tribunal, and it is responsible for addressing employment-related problems such as complaints of unfair dismissal and general protections applications. Fair Work serves as the country’s primary workplace relations tribunal. A worker who feels that their employment was terminated unfairly has the option of filing a claim with Fair Work Commission, which will then investigate the circumstances behind the termination and come to a conclusion. State government employees are covered by state tribunals other than Victoria.
The Impact of Unfair Dismissals on Employees:
Unfair dismissals can have a significant impact on employees, both financially and emotionally. Losing a job can cause stress, anxiety, and financial hardship, especially if the employee was the sole breadwinner in their household. It’s important for employers to understand the impact of their decisions on their employees and to act fairly and responsibly.
What employers have to do
Employers have a responsibility to establish fair and transparent workplace policies that clearly outline their expectations for their employees. This can include policies on grooming standards, workplace conduct, and performance expectations. By having clear policies in place, employers can reduce the risk of misunderstandings and disputes with their employees.

The Importance of Communication:
Effective communication is key to maintaining positive workplace relationships and avoiding disputes. Employers should communicate clearly with their employees about their expectations and provide regular feedback on their performance. Employees should also feel comfortable raising concerns with their employers and seeking support when needed.
The Need for Due Process:
Employers should follow due process when terminating an employee to ensure that the dismissal is fair and legal. This can include providing the employee with notice of the termination, conducting an investigation if necessary, and providing the employee with the opportunity to respond to any allegations. By following due process, employers can avoid claims of unfair dismissal and maintain positive relationships with their employees.
The Impact of Social Media:
Social media has become an important factor in many unfair dismissal cases. Employers should be aware of the impact that social media can have on their workplace, including the potential for employees to share confidential information or make negative comments about the company. By establishing clear social media policies, employers can reduce the risk of disputes and ensure that their employees understand their expectations.

Make sure your employer is doing the following
The Importance of Record-Keeping:
Employers should maintain accurate records of their employees’ performance, conduct, and any disciplinary actions taken. This can help to demonstrate that a dismissal was fair and reasonable and can be used as evidence in the event of an unfair dismissal claim. By keeping detailed records, employers can protect themselves from legal disputes and ensure that their decisions are transparent and accountable.
Impact On Employees
Unfair dismissals can have a significant impact on employees, employers, and the wider community. By establishing fair and transparent workplace policies, following due process, and maintaining effective communication, employers can reduce the risk of disputes and ensure that their decisions are fair and reasonable. Employees should be aware of their employment rights and seek legal advice if they feel they have been dismissed unfairly. By working together, employers and employees can create a safe, respectful, and productive workplace environment.
This can include providing access to counselling services, flexible work arrangements, and other forms of support. The economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a substantial impact on the workforce, leading to numerous workers being sacked or stood down. Employers should act responsibly and fairly when making decisions about redundancies or dismissals and should consider alternatives such as reduced hours or redeployment where possible.

The Importance of Training and Development:
Workers should be proactive in getting feedback and correcting any performance or behavior issues. Furthermore, employees who believe they have been terminated unfairly should seek legal help. Employers and workers alike have the power to shape the culture of their workplaces to foster respect, fairness, and increased productivity by following the aforementioned measures.
Employers can reduce the risk of disputes and unfair dismissals by providing their employees with training and development opportunities. This can include training on workplace policies, performance management, and communication skills. By investing in their employees’ development, employers can create a positive and supportive workplace culture and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflict.
The Role of Workplace Investigations:
When there are allegations of misconduct or poor performance, it’s important for employers to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation before making any decisions about termination. Workplace investigations can help to gather evidence and establish the facts of the matter, ensuring that decisions are based on objective criteria rather than hearsay or personal biases. Employers should ensure that their investigators are trained and impartial, and that the investigation process is transparent and fair.

Remedies for Unfair Dismissals:
Employees who have been unfairly dismissed may be eligible for remedies such as reinstatement, compensation, or other forms of relief. The Fair Work Commission (FWC) is responsible for hearing unfair dismissal claims and determining appropriate remedies. Employers who have unfairly dismissed employees may be required to pay compensation or to reinstate the employee, depending on the circumstances of the case.
The Importance of Communication:
Effective communication is essential in preventing misunderstandings and disputes in the workplace. Employers should establish clear channels of communication with their employees, including regular performance feedback, coaching, and mentoring. Employees should be encouraged to raise any concerns or issues with their managers, and managers should take a proactive approach to resolving conflicts and addressing issues before they escalate.
The Impact of Mental Health:
Unfair dismissals can have a significant impact on employees’ mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. Employers should be aware of the impact that workplace decisions can have on their employees’ mental health and should take steps to support employees who may be experiencing mental health issues.
Final verdict:
Unfair dismissals can have serious consequences for employees, employers, and the wider community. By establishing fair and transparent workplace policies, following due process, and investing in employee development and communication, employers can reduce the risk of disputes and ensure that their decisions are fair and reasonable. Employees should be aware of their employment rights and seek legal advice if they feel they have been dismissed unfairly. By working together, employers and employees can create a positive and supportive workplace culture that benefits everyone.

Conclusion: Call to action Bizarre and Strange Unfair dismissal
Unfair dismissals can have far-reaching consequences for employees, employers, and the wider community. They can lead to financial hardship, emotional distress, and damage to reputations. It’s crucial for employers to act reasonably. Employees should be aware of their employee and employment rights and seek advice if they feel they have been dismissed unfairly or have workplace concerns. By working together, employers and employees can create a positive and supportive workplace environment that benefits everyone. Workplaces do not have to filled with conflict, let us help you, call now
We are A Whole New Approach P/L, we are not lawyers but Australia’s leading workplace advisors and commentators. We are proud of our staff and the outcomes they get for our clients.
Call us on 1800 333 666 for confidential, prompt, free advice. or www.unfairdismissalsaustralia.com.au for further advice
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References for Bizarre and Strange unfair dismissal case
Case 1:
No author. (2018). Teacher fired for not being able to swim wins $10k compensation. SBS News. Retrieved from https://www.sbs.com.au/news/teacher-fired-for-not-being-able-to-swim-wins-10k-compensation
Case 2:
Lee, T. (2018). Long-haired sales rep awarded $7k for unfair dismissal. ABC News. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-06/long-haired-sales-rep-awarded-$7k-for-unfair-dismissal/9403386
Case 3:
No author. (2019). Flight attendant sacked for eating a passenger’s meal wins unfair dismissal case. ABC News. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-21/flight-attendant-sacked-for-eating-passengers-meal-wins-case/11134286
Case 4: No author. (2020). Security guard sacked for hugging colleague wins compensation. 7News. Retrieved from https://7news.com.au/news/court-justice/security-guard-sacked-for-hugging-colleague-wins-compensation-c-1031103