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Unfair dismissal No Win-No fee

No win-no fee implies its free, its not. Keep track of the fees, find out where there at if your unfair dismissal (or whatever it is) claim settles, or you win. Our arrangements are on a percentage basis, so you know exactly what’s going on.

Unfair dismissal No Win-No fee, What’s it mean?

No win no fee is a bit misleading. I’ts a saying coined by Slater and Gordon a large law firm many years a ago. It it really stands for no settlement no fee. 99 percent of cases lodged in Australia, resolve / settle somewhere along the claims journey through the courts, commission and tribunals. The no win no fee industry is really focused now in class actions and personal injury. Thats where the bigger dollars are. Now thats fine, but what about the smaller claims. Claims of unfair dismissal, general protections or disability discrimination. In a way the justice system has to be equal for all. Not just driven by the consideration of how much money in fees can be generated.

Disbursements and other pary cost

We aware of ‘disbursements’. In other words out of pocket expenses. These include the cost of court filing fees, expert reports or barrister’s fees that are part of your case. These fees can be substanial Your lawyer must include an estimate of these costs in your agreement if you need to pay them. If you don’t win the legal case, you may still need to pay part of the other party’s legal costs. Ask your lawyer how much money this could cost you if the legal case goes to Court and you don’t win.

Generally paid agents and other representatives proceed on a fixed percentage or fixed success fee. Make sure all this is in writing.

Whatever agreement you enter into get it in writing. Get progress reports to the status of your bill. Whilst your representatives are carrying the risks of your claim, you still want to get a decent amount of the settlement.

The James Ashby case

Unfair dismissal No win-no fee, I suppose Mr Ashby wished he has that arrangement. James Ashby, a former political staffer to former speaker Peter Slipper,(the speaker in parliament) commenced legal action in 2012 against Mr Slipper by alleging he was sexually harassed. That the politician misused parliamentary entitlements.

The original case against Mr Slipper was eventually withdrawn (my assumption was the lawyers for Mr Ashby assumed the claim would settle, however it didn’t). In turn Mr Ashby sought an ‘act of grace’ payment in 2018 from the Commonwealth. This was to cover his legal fees amounting to $4,537,000, incurred from the withdrawn case. The request was refused by the delegate of the Finance Minister. As it was decided there were no special circumstances in Ashby’s case to warrant the payment.

Different to the American system

The Australian court system is designed to protect itself against vexatious litigant’s. Very different to the American system where anyone can litigate freely and in most cases protected against cost. Meaning that litigants who wish to bring proceedings in a Commonwealth court will carry the burden of the risk of legal costs. Generally, if you lose your case in a Commonwealth court, you will not only have to pay your own lawyers’ fees but the other side’s legal fees also. This is designed to maintain the integrity of Australian courts, to save resources. To save time of esteemed justices and more. 

Find out upfront what out of pocket expenses you may be liable for
Find out upfront what out of pocket expenses you may be liable for. An example, barristers advice, or medical reports, application fees, whatever. Just be aware what your in for. There is continued controversy around percentages and out of pockets regarding class action claims by lawyers. Its not uncommon for the judge to refuse to allow the percentage or fees the representatives claim feeling it is too high.

Commenced court proceeding

Mr. Ashby commenced court proceedings by choice. When there were more economical and lower risk options available to him, such as entering into settlement discussions or a lower jurisdiction. ie the Fair work Commission, NCAT, Administrative Tribunal amongst others

Took the risk

Thus, Mr. Ashby took on the risk in relation to costs, which resulted in a fee of $4.5m. Did Mr. Ashby expect to incur so much in fees? We do not know, but $4.5m is definitely not an amount that any average Australian can afford. There are exceedingly few court decisions anywhere in Australia what have awarded anywhere near this amount incurred in legal fees for this type of claim.

A note: Cardinal George Pell spent $3 million proving he was not guilty, justice is expensive in this country. This all supports the increasingly used option of no win, no fee. You believe you have been unfairly dismissed, unlawfully terminated by your employer and you are now without a job. Then excessive and unexpected legal fees is the last thing you want to worry about.

getting-what's-right-for-your-dismissal- or-general-protections-claim
It’s about getting what’s right for your dismissal or general protections claim. Its not quite that easy working out what someone’s unfair dismissal, dispute or adverse action claim is worth. But thought, care and time has to be put into the claim.

No Win-No fee.

However, the alternative to court proceedings, which may seem daunting to the lay person who may face huge legal fees, is getting representation from us – A Whole New Approach. (note we are not lawyers). We offer two payment options to all our clients, the ‘No Win No Fee’ option or a fixed fee option. With the help of our clear and certain payment options, you will be able to fight your case confidently. Without the fear of not knowing how much legal / representation fees you will rack up by the end.

We know that you may feel insignificant and at a significant disadvantage against your employer. Who you think has more money than you to cover legal costs, but with our support and work, you will be well and fairly represented – at a respectable cost!

Whether you use our services or anybody else you need to know, the best you can, what your in for. Get a fixed fee or success percentage. You need to know that you are going to get something thing out of your claim. Or achieve your goal, whatever that may be. Be aware we only work in areas that allow for non lawyers to represent. Fair work Australia (FWC), various state and federal tribunals. If you want to go to court, we have a good referral system you can access.

Lawyers do a great job (we are not lawyers). Just watch the bill. This one is happy charging for every 10 minutes. Get a fixed fee or success percentage in writing. Both parties have to be committed to the process and the success of your claim.


Our ‘No Win No Fee’ option includes an administration fee that will cover the filing fees and any other relevant disbursements. Then if and only when we are successful in obtaining a settlement on your behalf, we will be paid a lesser proportion of the settlement than yourself. This payment structure is to ensure that our interests align and so we are fighting for the same goal in the end. To get the best settlement for you as we also have ‘skin in the game’.

The other option is the fixed fee option. Unlike Mr Ashby who was required to pay $4.5m in fees, you will know exactly how much you have paid to us for the work and know that you will not need to pay a cent more. Upon initial consultation, we will quote you a fixed fee if you wish to weigh the benefits of both options.

Get help, explore your options. Ring around find someone knowledgeable. Someone that’s prepared to spend time understanding your situation and claim. Get that someone who you feel comfortable with.

Unfair dismissal No Win-No fee

The unfair dismissal No Win-No fee article I hope has given you a improved prospective. Fees and charges in the Fair work Commission and other tribunals is a world of its own. It makes a phone plans look simple. you have to balance up the known fees, against the unknown. Get whatever the arrangement is, from whoever it is in writing. Don’t sign up to pages and pages of paperwork without reading it. Look at the experience of who’s going to look after you.

Call us on 1800 333 666 for a free consultation and also a quote on which fee option will be the most appropriate for your circumstances.

Conclusion to Unfair dismissal No Win-No fee

We are the nations leading workplace advisors, fiercely independent, honest, prompt, and we keep it real, no BS here. We are Australia wide, NSW, Vic, Qld, Tas, SA, WA. Looking for a lawyer, give us a call, we are the alternative, explore your rights and fee options. Unfair dismissal claims, forced to resign, workplace investigations, abandonment of employment, workers rights. Anything to do with the workplace give us a call.

Find-out-what -your-unfair-dismissal-or -general-protections-claim-should-settle-for.
Find out what your unfair dismissal or general protection claim should settle for. Some firms settle your claim too quickly because they just want to be paid. Nothing wrong with a quick settlement if its for what your claim is worth. Some firms don’t settle too quickly so the fees can be increased. Buyer beware is the old saying. Maybe i’m being to cautious, but better to be safe than sorry.

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